No vaccine has ever been tested for carcinogenicity (causing cancer) mutigenicity (damaging DNA) or impairment of fertility (fetal harm).
No vaccine has ever been tested against an inert placebo in a control group. Safety studies without an inert control is how manufacturers hide the harm.

This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the recommended CDC childhood vaccine schedule.
To see the injury/death from Covid-19 shots --over 48,000 deaths so far in the US alone-- see

Dr Boyd Haley Refutes Dr Paul Offit

Dr Offit's Seminar on How to Bully Parents Who Question Vaccines

Parents Learn to Push Back Against Doctors Who Have Taken Paul Offit’s "Bullying 101"

Dr. Paul Offit spoke to “several dozen physicians” in a UCLA lecture hall, teaching them to push back against parents who question vaccines, lest moms and dads be under the impression that they have a vote in their child’s medical care.  These are doctors that apparently have no retort to classic questions like, “Why is autism listed as an adverse event on a vaccine package insert?”

Given that it isn’t realistic to walk into a pediatrician’s office and ask the physician to sign a contract of any kind—whether it be for a guarantee that vaccines won’t cause harm to your child, or a promise to pay for care if they do— the following is a list of brazen questions that you can ask your child’s pediatrician once they start “gently pushing back” on your healthcare decisions.

Let’s say it’s the end of the appointment and the doctor walks to the door and says, “I’ll send my nurse in with the vaccines your son needs today.”

Your response, if you so choose, is “No, not today, we’re waiting and still doing some research before making that decision.”

The pediatrician audibly guffaws, “Vaccines are safe and effective. Why don’t you tell me what your sources are so we can talk about it? You have to stay off of the Internet, you know.”

Whoa, what was that? A gentle push-back? Well alrighty then. Let’s get started with your push-back to the push-back questions:

  • “Why do you always warn me not to ‘read the Internet’ when that’s where all of the abstracts and many full-length of peer-reviewed journal publications are found?”
  • “Beyond learning to inject one, how long did you study vaccines in medical school?”
  • “If my baby were going to have a reaction that you would be obligated to report to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, what might that look like?”
  • “Can you cite the safety study for administering the vaccines for hepatitis B, Hib, PC, DTaP, polio, and rotavirus all at once to the body of a 10-pound, 2 month old infant?”  (Trick question; there isn’t one.)
  • “If vaccines are so effective, why does a baby have to get three of each one in a row, only to have them wear off a few years later?”
  • “If they are so safe, why did vaccine manufacturers strong-arm our government into giving them immunity from being sued?”
  • “If vaccines are such an overwhelmingly wonderful idea, why are they mandated? Shouldn’t everyone line up to get them on their own?”
  • “Why is it that on one hand everyone knows that the parents who don’t vaccinate are highly educated, but on the other they act like we don’t know how to do research?”
  • “When pediatric cancer is the #1 cause of disease-related death in children and adolescents, why are we injecting a known carcinogen into babies?”
  • “Just off the top of your head—if you know it—what is the FDA’s daily limit of aluminum allowed into an infant’s IV and how does that compare to this round of vaccines you want to give?”
  • “If my child becomes autistic or epileptic after this round of vaccines you want to give him, who is going pay for his care for the rest of his life?”
  • “If parents who don’t vaccinate are of such problematic numbers, then why doesn’t the CDC conduct a study of the incidence of autism and autoimmune disease of those unvaccinated children?”
  • “Why do vaccine safety studies compare a vaccine to a placebo with aluminum? Why not just saline?”
  • “Can you tell me the death rate for rotavirus in America or do you only know it for Africa?”
  • “Where are all of these immunocompromised school children who can’t be vaccinated? Are you saying parents send their children to school while they’re on chemotherapy?”
  • “If children that have been recently vaccinated for chickenpox aren’t allowed into a NICU, why are they allowed to be around these immunocompromised children at school?”
  • “You are aware that you work for me, correct? I am a customer and you are a service provider. There are few other business relationships where the customer is told, ‘Don’t bother coming in if you’re not going to take my advice 100% of the time.’”
  • “Does the AAP actually tell you to kick out parents like me, or is that something you came up with on your own?”

Now, I can’t guarantee that you will have a friendly relationship with your child’s doctor after that round of questioning so it might be best that you find a new one if well-checks are high on your priority list.  In fact, you might be told on the spot that your next appointment won’t be scheduled, which is fine.  Give your money to a pediatrician whose livelihood doesn’t depend on 95% of his patients marching to the CDC’s drum instead.

Crimes Against Humanity - When Will We Realize? FDA blocked Dr Haley's safe effective treatment for chelating Mercury and certain other toxic metals. The NIH also blocked his funding when he showed that Alzheimer's is caused by dental amalgam fillings that contain Mercury.

Crimes Against Humanity - When Will We Realize? Part 2 FDA blocked Dr Haley's safe effective treatment for chelating Mercury and certain other toxic metals. The NIH also blocked his funding when he showed that Alzheimer's is caused by dental amalgam fillings that contain Mercury.


Featured Vaccine-Injury Stories (30)
Vaccine-Injury Stories (745)
More Vaccine-Injury Stories (35)
Vaccine Related Deaths (30)
Vaxxed versus UnVaxxed - Who is Healthier? (88)
Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed: Like Night and Day
Vaxxed 2 Trailer, Interview with Producers
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Documentaries on Vaccine-Injury
Doctors Speaking Frankly about Vaccines
Intro to Vaccine Safety Science
Covid News from a Christian Perspective
Public Comment on Canadian Bill 39 and HL9.2
Public Testimony for Vaccine Choice in USA
Rally Speeches Opposing Mandatory Vaccination
Adverse Effects of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics


Brain Damage/Death from Vaccines is NOT Rare
Death and Disability from the HPV Vaccine
Dr Gary Null - Fraud in Vaccine Safety Studies
Dr Sherri Tenpenny MD - Are Vaccines Necessary?
Dr Suzanne Humphries - Did Vaccines Eliminate Polio?
Dr Ray Obamsawin - The History of Vaccination
The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Dr Kenneth Stoller - Vaccines Cause Autism
Dr Stephanie Seneff - Vaccines, Glyphosate and Autism
Dr Russell Blaylock - How Vaccines Harm Brain
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Death by Vaccination
Dr John Bergman: Vaccines Cause Epidemics
Allison Jones: How Vaccines Are Made (Shocking!)
Top 10 Vaccination Myths - Dr Alison Adams
Pet Vaccination Adverse Events
Dr Michael Elice - Vaccine More Deadly than Measles


Systemic Toxicity of Aluminum Adjuvants
Dr Andrew Wakefield - Autism/Gut Connection
CDC Knowledge of the Vaccine-Autism Link
Shaken Baby Syndrome and Munchausen by Proxy
Dr Andrew Moulden: Vaccines Cause Strokes
Dr Garth Nicolson - Reversing Mitochondrial Damage
Dr Boyd Haley Refutes Dr Paul Offit
Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura After TDaP
FDA/CDC/Big Pharma Whistleblowers Speak Out
Death/Disability Following Military Vaccination
Natural and Herd Immunity Destroyed by Vaccines
The Origin of AIDS: The Polio Vaccine?
Dr David Davis - Vaccines are Avoidable and Unsafe
I was Jailed for Exposing Vaccine Contamination
Vaccines/Antibodies do NOT Confer Immunity
Dr Mark Geier MD - Mercury Still in Some Vaccines
Dr Sandy Reider: The Science is NOT Settled


Brandy Vaughn: Pharma Whistleblower
Karen Kain: My Daughter's Vaccine-Injury/Death
Mary Tocco - Vaccine Researcher Educator
More Personal Accounts of Vaccine Injury
Heartbreaking Accounts of Vaccine Injury
Mother of 8: Vaccine Victims Don't Speak
Aviana Died After Her 4-Month Vaccinations
Dr Dale Brown: I am 100% Anti-vaccine!
Barbara Loe Fisher Speaks on Vaccine Injury
Reversing Autism with a Biomedical Protocol
Marcella Piper-Terry: Why I Don't Vaccinate
Shawn Siegel - The Vaccine Myth
People of the World Rejecting Vax Mandates


Educate Before you Vaccinate! (Recommended Books)
Coronavirus: Bloodless Coup, Fake Pandemic?
Functional Medicine and Our Human Microbiome
Why We Don't Vaccinate
Religious Objection/Exemption to Vaccination
Death by Medicine - The FDA's War on Health
The FDA's War on Real Cancer Cures
Funding Sources for NIH, FDA, CDC
Dr Peter Gøtzsche: Big Pharma is Organized Crime
Watch Bought with Dr Toni Bark MD
Studies Show Vaccines Spread Disease
Quotes from Doctors Regarding Vaccination
Dr Stanley Plotkin (The Godfather of Vaccines)
Lost Arts Radio with Host Richard Sacks
Vaccine Exemptions for School Attendance
Pro-Vax Arguments Decimated in 5 Parts